sábado, junho 26, 2004

Mais uma informação interessante obtida no site da Mayo Clinic. Desta vez sobre o que é beber moderadamente. Assim, ficamos a saber que tal corresponde ao máximo de 2 bebidas por dia, no caso dos homens adultos, com menos de 65 anos. Bom, a questão que se põe é: quanto é uma bebida? A resposta vem a seguir...

MayoClinic.com - Alcohol and your health: Weighing the pros and cons: "Generally, moderation means no more than one drink a day for women and no more than two drinks a day for men. Because of their body chemistry and composition, women are more sensitive to alcohol's effects than are men. A drink is defined as:
12 ounces (~35.5 cl) of beer,
5 oz. (~15 cl) of wine
or 1.5 oz. (~4.4 cl) of 80-proof distilled spirits (whisky, vodka, etc.).
Because of age-related changes, older adults process alcohol more slowly. It takes fewer drinks to become intoxicated, and the effects last longer. For people age 65 and older, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines moderation as one drink a day or less."